
Hello I'm Rashed


About Me


Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Greetings! I'm Rashed, a 25-year-old professional based in the bustling city of Mumbai. My academic journey led me to successfully complete an MBA program at Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai. Additionally, I hold a diploma in Software Programming from I-TECH INSTITUTE, further expanding my skillset.

My foray into the digital world commenced in 2017 when I ventured into the realm of blogging. Since then, I've been sharing my thoughts, experiences, and insights with the online community, fostering connections and pursuing my passions.

Starting in 2021, I embarked on a fulfilling journey in digital marketing. While I haven't managed ads for clients, I've been actively running campaigns for my blogs and websites. This endeavor has allowed me to leverage my creative and analytical skills to help my own projects thrive in the online landscape.

One of my areas of expertise lies in ADX/Ad management, where I've accrued five years of valuable experience. As an ad manager, I specialize in strategizing and optimizing advertising campaigns to ensure maximum visibility and impact.

In 2018, I took a significant step in my entrepreneurial journey by founding AFLY.IN. This unique platform serves as a URL shortener, enabling users to shorten links, promote them, and earn income online. AFLY.IN marked the beginning of my exploration of online advertising and marketing.

Building upon the success of AFLY.IN, I recently launched AFLY.CC in November 2023. This new venture represents a pioneering business model where users can earn money by selling their blogs. It's a testament to my unwavering commitment to stay on the cutting edge of digital advertising trends and technologies.

In summary, my journey encompasses education, entrepreneurship, and digital marketing. I'm deeply passionate about what I do and dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what's achievable in the ever-evolving digital landscape. My diverse experiences have molded me into a versatile professional, and I'm eager to see where the future will lead me. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me!


What Actually I Do My Services

AFLY.CC ( AI-Generated Freelance Yield)

AFLY.CC ( AI-Generated Freelance Yield)

afly.cc (AI-Generated Freelance Yield) offers a service where users can generate content using Chat GPT and create blogs with that content to earn money through afly.cc.



afly.in is one of my startups and my first online business model. It's a paid URL shortener where users can shorten links, promote them, and earn money. With 1000 views,…



I blog because I have a passion for creating new websites and working on the ones I've already established. I've created over 1000 blogs, some of which I've sold to…

ADX / AD MANAGER Specialist

ADX / AD MANAGER Specialist

One of my areas of expertise is in ADX/Ad management. I have accumulated five years of experience in this field, making me an adept ad manager. My work involves strategizing…



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